One significant challenge that many organisations face is how to bridge the gap between their legacy systems and modern technologies. Legacy systems often lack the agility and capabilities of modern platforms and can hinder business efficiency and growth.

This is where Microsoft's Power Platform steps in, offering a solution to seamlessly integrate legacy systems into your operations, unlocking new possibilities and boosting your business processes. In this blogpost we will explore the challenges of legacy systems and how Power Platform can overcome these limitations, enhancing integration and overall productivity.

Power Platform Overview

Microsoft’s Power Platform is a low code solution which can expediate the development process of business applications, web portals, mobile applications, websites and much more. Comprising of 4 key tools, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI and Power Virtual Agents, Power Platform is designed to empower users to create solutions that drive efficiency and innovation.

Downfalls of Legacy Systems

Outdated and inefficient legacy systems can hold back business growth, making business processes longer and duplicating work effort. There are many challenges of legacy systems, including:

Security Risks

Legacy systems are often vulnerable to security threats, such as hacking and data breaches, as they may not have up-to date security features. Not upgrading these systems can put sensitive data and other business systems at risk.

Time-Consuming upgrades

Legacy systems, while robust and well-established, often present challenges when it comes to keeping up with the demands of modern business. They may lack compatibility with newer technologies, making it difficult to adapt to changing market conditions. Additionally, maintaining and upgrading legacy systems can be costly and time-consuming.

Why integrate Power Platform with legacy systems?

Integrating Power Platform with your legacy systems offers a transformative solution and many benefits for your business and employees.

Automate Processes

By leveraging Power Platform, previous manual and tedious processes can be automated. With repetitive tasks now automated, it can free-up employee’s time for more valuable tasks as well as reducing errors and improving productivity.

Connecting to Existing Data

Legacy systems typically store a vast amount of historical data that holds immense value. However, accessing and analysing this data can be challenging. Power platform can integrate with a wide range of existing systems including on-premise systems and third-party applications, allowing organisation to preserve existing databases. Power Platforms can create a modern interface for uploading and updating data, while using the existing business logic and data stored in the legacy database.

Cost Saving

Legacy systems are known for their high maintenance and operational costs. By automating processes and optimising workflows with Power Automate, you can reduce the manual labour required to manage these systems. Additionally, the enhanced efficiency and productivity resulting from automation can lead to cost savings in terms of time and resources.

Future Proofing

Legacy systems may struggle to keep up with evolving business demands and emerging technologies. Integrating them with the Power Platform ensures that your systems remain adaptable and relevant in the face of change. Power Apps allows you to develop custom applications and solutions that can evolve with your business needs. This future-proofing not only safeguards your investments in legacy systems but also positions your organisation to take advantage of new opportunities and innovations as they arise.

Use Cases for Seamless Operations

Integrating with legacy systems with Power Platform can optimise operations across different departments of an organisation. By connecting and automating processes, organisations can achieve higher efficiency, reduce manual errors, and improve data accuracy, ultimately leading to enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

Here are some real-life examples of the processes that can be streamlined.

Finance Systems: Integrating the Power Platform with your finance systems, such as accounting software or ERP systems, can streamline financial processes. For instance, you can automate the approval and reimbursement of employee expenses using Power Automate. Additionally, Power BI can provide real-time financial insights and dashboards, helping finance teams make data-driven decisions. This ensures that expense reports are processed quickly and accurately, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring compliance with financial policies

CRM Systems: Integrating the Power Platform with your CRM system, like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365, can improve customer relationship management. With Power Apps, you can create custom applications that extend the functionality of your CRM, allowing your sales and customer support teams to access and update customer data from anywhere. Power Automate can automate lead generation, follow-ups, and customer onboarding processes, ensuring timely communication and improved customer satisfaction. This fosters a more seamless and personalised customer experience.

Inventory and Supply Chain Systems: For businesses with inventory and supply chain management needs, integrating the Power Platform with these systems can optimise operations. Power Apps can be used to develop applications that monitor and manage inventory levels in real-time, automating reorder processes when stock runs low. Power Automate can trigger alerts for stock shortages, ensuring timely restocking and reducing the risk of product shortages or overstock situations. This integration enhances inventory visibility and supply chain efficiency, leading to cost savings and improved customer service.

HR Systems: Integrating the Power Platform with HR systems, such as payroll and employee management software, can streamline HR processes. Power Automate can automate employee onboarding, offboarding, and leave request approvals. Power Apps can facilitate self-service portals for employees to access HR information, reducing the administrative burden on HR teams. By automating these processes, organisations can enhance employee satisfaction, reduce HR administrative overhead, and ensure compliance with HR policies and regulations.

Final Thoughts

Integrating Power Platform with legacy systems is more than bridging a technology gap, it’s a strategic move to modernise operations and future-proof your business. By leveraging Power Automate, Power BI and Power Apps, you can streamline business processes, which saves time, cost and ensures the security of your sensitive data. Your organisation can enhance efficiency, access real-time insights and elevate customer engagement, all while preserving your original investment in your legacy system.

One of the primary advantages of integrating legacy systems with the Power Platform is the ability to automate processes. Legacy systems often rely on manual interventions and outdated workflows. By seamlessly connecting these systems to Power Automate, you can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This not only boosts efficiency but also reduces the risk of human errors, enabling your team to focus on more strategic activities.

Modernising your business away from legacy system and utilising Microsoft’s Power Platform, brings your business up to date within the age of technology.


Do you want to learn more about Microsoft’s suite of tools? Read our Beginners Guide to Power Platform.

If you want to discover how you can upgrade your legacy system and guide your business into the modern digital age, contact Netshell.